Saturday, July 26, 2008

Straws & Connectors

With kinesthetic learners in mind, one purchase that was a big hit this year with the kids I work with was a box of Straws & Connectors. This set consists of plastic straws and little plastic connectors that look like jacks. Whether working individually, in pairs or small groups, kids can build all sorts of things with these straws - from simple to very complex. All the kids who used them were very energized and excited by them.

There's something about building things that most kids seem to really love... and I've seen these simple building materials help many kids, even kids with low self-esteem, develop an amazing sense of pride and accomplishment after completing their creations. Anne LaBossiere, the other school counselor I work with, is actually the one who suggested we add a set of "Straws & Connectors" to our shelves last year - so I have to give her credit. Thanks, Anne!

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